AARI Herbarium is accessible to the world, any one from anywhere can access the herbarium center with prior permission. for permission and other correspondence email to digitized form of herbarium  can be purchased from AARI Herbariumon payment. Currently we are not accepting any herbarium from outside of India. 

Email subject: Please start with the word VISIT and the date of arrival and departure (e.g. VISIT 20 – 23 July 2016). Please note we are working at the weekend and public holidays also.
Taxonomic groups: Please indicate all the algal families or genera you wish to look at.
Region of interest: Please indicate the States and/or districts you are interested in.
Exact dates of stay: Please repeat this information, ensuring that there are at least two clear weeks from the email date to the date when you wish to visit AARI Herbarium.
Herbarium material: Please indicate if you intend to bring live or preserved specimens to AARI and what it is you are bringing.
Your details: Please ensure you include your full name and full address of your institution or your personal address if you are a private researcher.
Confirmation: If you are a student, please ask your supervisor to request the visit on your behalf to confirm that the research is required for your studies.
* For overseas visitors requiring a letter of support for a visa application, please ensure you apply for your visa at least three months in advance of your visit.
Please then email this information to and it will be picked up and forwarded to the relevant curator.

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